Opening up the safe revealed the treasures of the Municipal Association of Victoria. The maps, minutes and photographs from Victoria’s early days are now things of beauty when presented as objects rather than official documents. Genuine handwriting is overlaid across the pages of this commemorative book as a constant reference to the elegant, by-hand nature of administering our cities and suburbs in those days. Facial hair was obviously a very important part too.
Nadavoc creates work for people with disabilities. To engage potential clients with this unique organisation, […]
VIEW PROJECTColour can take a front seat without being overpowering. Employing a soft yellow to contrast […]
VIEW PROJECTWe created an identity that develops a straightforward product further, to reassure the parents purchasing […]
VIEW PROJECTGraphically communicating your organisations name can work strongly for you. People appreciate being engaged with […]