Trucks are the most visible part of the company. We took an ever-present element, the traditional pinstriping scroll on truck paintwork and made it their signature. Within an industry full of conventional geometric identities, a unique brand was created. For this long established civil construction supplier, the message of who they were and what the Alex Fraser Group offered, was best served with design that projected the strength of the organisation and its product, to its own people and its clients. The communication material we created built on the bold and simple graphics with straight talking, simple headlines for recruitment and sales promotion.
Presenting an approachable and friendly image are essential traits for retailers. When you add green […]
VIEW PROJECTCreating the atmosphere for an event, right from the audience members first contact, inspired this […]
VIEW PROJECTThis popular TV series is turned into the latest Yoplait brand. Each 6 pack features […]
VIEW PROJECTCreating an identity for a carwash that wanted to bring the café part of the […]